Archive - 2024

MUW: Worldwide success of transplantologists from UCC MUW
In the Department of General, Transplant and Liver Surgery UCC MUW, a team led by Prof. Michal Grąt has performed the world's first liver supportive transplantation in a patient following injury to her own organ as a result of a traffic accident. By taking advantage of the regenerative capacity of the patient's own remaining liver fragment, with the temporary support of the transplanted deceased donor liver fragment, the 50-year-old patient avoided transplantation of the entire organ, left the hospital with her own healthy liver, does not require immunosuppressive treatment and did not develop significant complications. This groundbreaking procedure was the subject of a press conference held at MUW.
WUM: Światowy sukces transplantologów z UCK WUM
W Klinice Chirurgii Ogólnej, Transplantacyjnej i Wątroby UCK WUM, zespół pod kierunkiem prof. Michała Grąta, przeprowadził  pierwsze na świecie przeszczepienie wspomagające wątroby u chorej po urazie własnego narządu w wyniku wypadku komunikacyjnego. Dzięki wykorzystaniu zdolności regeneracyjnych pozostałego fragmentu własnej wątroby chorej, przy czasowym wsparciu przeszczepionego fragmentu wątroby zmarłego dawcy, 50-letnia pacjentka uniknęła transplantacji całego narządu, wyszła ze szpitala z własną zdrową wątrobą, nie wymaga leczenia immunosupresyjnego i nie doszło u niej do rozwoju istotnych powikłań. Ten przełomowy zabieg był tematem konferencji prasowej zorganizowanej na WUM.

Perspektywy 2024 Ranking of Higher Education Institutions: MUW ranked the best medical university in Poland!
Our university was ranked 10th in the Academic Universities Ranking 2024, which included 103 domestic public and non-public universities. It is worth noting that MUW is the only medical university ranked in the top 10 of this ranking. MUW thus took the first place in the list of medical universities 2024. This is another confirmation of the rank of our university on the educational map of Poland.
Innovative pain relief therapy for the first time in Poland
On June 11 and 19 this year, implantable infusion pumps for the treatment of chronic pain were implanted at the Infant Jesus Clinical Hospital UCC MUW. The devices were implanted in two patients suffering from cancer pain.
“All you need is love”. Graduation ceremony for English Division graduates
Seventy-five young people, dressed in academic togas and with graduate caps on their heads, came to the Royal Castle to celebrate obtaining the title of doctor together. The hosts of the ceremony were the authorities of the Faculty of Medicine, who bid farewell to their graduates with undisguised pride. There were a lot of warm words and important hints for the future, because now before the graduates is a whole new adventure in the medical world. And all over the world, as this year's English Division graduates come from 30 countries.
Winners of the competition for the best thesis in the field of socially responsible activities
This was the first edition of the competition for the best bachelor's or master's thesis organized by the Rector's Plenipotentiary for Social Responsibility of the MUW University. The main prize went to Maciej Stępień for his work on testicular cancer prevention. Honorable mention went to Katarzyna Camlet and Joanna Kowalska. The two winners, Maciej Stępień and Joanna Kowalska, received congratulations and diplomas from the Rector, Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong, yesterday.
First physiological implantation of a pacing system in a child at the MUW
This is another pioneering procedure in the field of electrotherapy. In the Department of Pediatric Cardiology and General Pediatrics MUW, led by Professor Bożena Werner, performed the first ever implantation of a pacemaker using selective left bundle branch in the history of this department.
We are all in tune! - Unveiling of the GOCC mural at the MUW
A mural commemorating the 32nd Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has been unveiled at the Department of Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Diseases and Allergy MUW.
Science: the phenomenon of “self-eating” cells in the pathogenesis of endometriosis

Endometriosis is a gynecological disease that is one of the causes of infertility and increased pain in women. Among the many hypotheses about the mechanisms of its formation is autophagy, that is the phenomenon of “self-eating” cells. It is the focus of a project being carried out in the Chair and Department of Histology and Embryology MUW by Maja Owe-Larsson, a fourth-year medical student. The research aims to answer the question of whether inducing “self-eating” in endometrium-derived cells results in the expression of selected proteins that may be involved in the pathogenesis of endometriosis.
Prof. Marek Krawczyk an active member of the V Faculty of Medicine of the PAU
The rector of MUW from 2008-2016, Prof. Marek Krawczyk, was elected an active member of the V Faculty of Medicine of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU) on June 15, 2024. Out of 15 candidates submitted from various scientific centers in Poland, only Prof. Krawczyk's candidacy was supported by a majority of the PAU General Assembly.