Focus on MUW

Polski przepis na e-zdrowie
The digital revolution in medicine is becoming a fact, but is Poland ready to lead the changes in Europe? This question dominated the experts’ debate during the conference on the “Road to the presidency: digital transformation in medicine and health care” organized by the Institute for the Development of Social Affairs and the Medical University of Warsaw’s Medical Center. On the one hand, e-prescriptions, telemedicine and the Online Patient’s Account put Poland at the vanguard of digital transformation. On the other hand, challenges related to the European Health Data Space, the lack of full interoperability of systems and the risk of digital exclusion of seniors require immediate action. Will the Polish presidency of the EU Council become a springboard for building modern healthcare accessible to all, or will we drown in a flood of data with no real benefits for patients?
Specialized otorhinolaryngological surgeries in Lviv
At the invitation of the team of the Department of Otolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery in Lviv, professor Kazimierz Niemczyk and doctor of medical sciences Robert Bartoszewicz from the Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery of the Medical University of Warsaw’s Clinical Center performed 12 specialized surgeries on patients with head and neck injuries.
Kurs poświęcony zaawansowanym metodom pobierania i przechowywania nerek do przeszczepienia
It was the first event of this kind in Poland. Its hosts were the Chair and Department of General, Vascular and Transplantation Surgery of the Medical University of Warsaw and Medical Simulation and Innovation Center. The training was provided by recognized European experts, including doctors from the University’s Clinical Center, one of the largest transplant centers in the country.
Poland's first next-generation arrhythmia recorder implantation procedures
The procedure was performed by a team of Łukasz Januszkiewicz, MD, PhD, and Marcin Michalak, MD, along with assisting staff Dorota Świątek, MA, Oleksandra Solohub, MA, Katarzyna Zawiła, MA, and Zuzanna Sawicka, MA. The patient was a 71-year-old woman following a cryptogenic stroke. Previous diagnostics had failed to find the cause of the stroke, and the innovative device is expected to help with this.
Women have power, also in the fight against cancer
The photography exhibition “The Power of Women” opened at the Teaching Center of the Medical University of Warsaw presents portraits of women who had the courage to feel beautiful and feminine while struggling with a serious illness.
Konsorcjum z udziałem WUM z grantem na projekt dotyczący nowej strategii terapii cukrzycy
The National Science Center announced the a of projects that will receive funding in the “OPUS 26+LAP/Weave” competition. Among them is the project titled “Restoring beta cell integrity through targeted inhibition of SPOP and maintenance of PDX-1” focusing on an innovative therapeutic strategy in diabetes, in which our University serves as a consortium member. The co-author of the project on the Medical University of Warsaw side is professor Maciej Dawidowski from the Chair of Drug Technology and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology.
Our scientist became a member of the expert team appointed by the Minister of Science and Higher Education
The Minister of Science and Higher Education, Dariusz Wieczorek, has appointed a team to develop assumptions for the creation of a database of scientific journals. One of the experts of this team is Prof. Daniel Młocicki, Head of the Department of General Biology and Parasitology MUW.
We invite you to the new podcast, Health Facts. This time we talk about breastfeeding, milk banks and World Prematurity Day
On World Prematurity Day, it is worth noting the special needs of children born prematurely. They need intensive therapy, complex treatments, but also what is very simple and natural, i.e. access to mom and breast milk - stresses our guest Aleksandra Wesołowska, MD, PhD, Head of the Laboratory for Research on Breast Milk and Lactation
Should the mental health of children and adolescents after a pandemic be a topic of the Polish presidency in the EU Council?
The lack of an effective system of early prevention in the field of child and adolescent mental health, an insufficient number of psychiatrists in the face of a growing number of patients, as well as excessively long waiting times for specialized psychiatric help in some regions of the country - these were the main conclusions of the “Road to the Presidency: child and adolescent psychiatry” conference held at MUW on October 30. The meeting was organized by the Institute for the Development of Social Affairs (IRSS) and the Medical Center MUW.
The transplant team from UCC MUW honored in the Portraits of Polish Medicine 2024 competitionMedycyny 2024
Portraits of Polish Medicine is a prestigious competition organized by the magazine and portal Rynek Zdrowia. Among the winners of this year's edition was a team from the University Clinical Center MUW, which was recognized for performing the world's first assisted liver transplant, in a patient after an organ injury suffered in a traffic accident.