Focus on MUW

Nasi specjaliści w nowej Radzie ds. Chorób Rzadkich
The Rare Diseases Council is a subsidiary body of the Minister of Health, and its tasks include initiating and substantively monitoring the implementation of the various stages of the Rare Diseases Plan. On December 3, the regulation establishing the composition of the council came into effect. Prof. Anna Kostera-Pruszczyk, Head of the Department of Neurology MUW, became chairman of the Council for 2024-2025. Krzysztof Szczałuba, MD, PhD, Director of the Center of Excellence for Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases MUW, became a member of the Council.
Rajdem przez kampus do finału WOŚP
On Friday, in the parking lot in front of the Children’s Clinical Hospital of the Medical University of Warsaw, rally driver Kajetan Kajetanowicz showed his skills especially for children from the hematology and oncology department and other young patients. Children watched the famous “doughnuts” from the hospital windows. And all this in connection with Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.
Grupa czterech osób, studentów WUM, stoją i trzymają w dłoniach materiały dotyczące AIDS, po prawej niebieski rollup z logo WUM
December 1 is World AIDS Day – a day of remembrance of the devastating disease caused by HIV infection. Once again, our students from the Student Research Group at the Department of Infectious, Tropical and Hepatic Diseases of the WUM organized an important educational event addressed to students of the University of Physical Education in Warsaw. Goal: talk and convince people how important HIV prevention is. Because knowledge of the topic is still very necessary.
Research laboratory, man holding pipetting equipment
The National Science Center has just announced the results of the OPUS 27 and PRELUDIUM 23 competitions. Funding for basic research projects was granted to 719 scientists from various institutions. Among them are researchers from our university. Who are they and what projects will they implement?
I Ogólnopolska Konferencja Psychiatrii Środowiskowej Dzieci i Młodzieży
The aim of the event was to integrate all professionals involved in community care for the mental health of children and adolescents.
O badaniach i skuteczności psychoterapii. Debata na WUM
There are no uniform standards in Poland for assessing effectiveness of psychotherapy. They need to be created. But first, it is worth clarifying a few things. What criteria make a therapeutic approach considered evidence-based? What might the success rates be? Is it worth creating networks of psychotherapy centers that will collect data? Experts tried to answer these questions during the “Psychotherapy Round Table”.
Nasi studenci nagrodzeni za prace z dziedziny farmakoekonomiki oraz polityki lekowej i zdrowotnej
The 22nd International Conference of the Polish Pharmacoeconomic Society was held on November 27-29, 2024. One of the conference sessions was traditionally dedicated to the presentation of student research. Students presented works on issues in the field of pharmacoeconomics and drug and health policy in the form of mini-lectures and posters. Then the works were assessed and awarded. The student session was led by habilitated doctor Anna Staniszewska and habilitated doctor Maciej Niewada from the Chair and Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology.
I Ogólnopolska Konferencja o Przeszczepianiu Płuc
On November 23, the First National Conference on Lung Transplantation “PULMOTRANSPLANT” took place in Warsaw – the first event of this type in Poland. The conference was held on the initiative of the “Healthy Lungs” Association and the Department and Clinic of Internal Diseases, Pneumonology and Allergology of the Medical University of Warsaw and was under the patronage of the Polish Transplantation Society and the Polish Society of Lung Diseases.
Dwie badaczki z WUM z MINIATURĄ 8 na "małe" projekty
Doctor Magdalena Babiszewska-Aksamit from the Section of Medical Biology of the Medical University of Warsaw and doctor Sylwia Michorowska from the University’s Section of Drug Chemistry, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis have obtained funding for their work from the National Science Center as part of the “MINIATURA 8” competition. The study of the first mentioned scientist will concern the composition of breast milk of women with gestational diabetes, and that of the second one will involve the genetic disorder called Prader-Willi Syndrome.
SKN Herbarium z nagrodami za najlepszy projekt w konkursie StRuNa
We know the winners of the 14th edition of the National Student Science Movement’s competition! Among them is the Student Scientific Club “Herbarium”, operating at the Department and Section of Pharmaceutical Biology of the Medical University of Warsaw, which has just won the first prize in the Student Science Movement’s “Med” category and the main prize, “Project of the Year”, for their project titled “Supporting the protective functions of the lower part of the female reproductive system using products of natural origin.”