Społeczna Odpowiedzialność Uczelni
In 2019 MUW has joined the ranks of signatories to the Declaration of Social Responsibility of Universities. It is an expression of the voluntary commitment of universities to promote the idea of sustainable development and social responsibility in educational programs, research, and management and organizational solutions. The purpose of the declaration is to build public awareness of the role of universities in shaping the conditions for sustainable, balanced socio-economic development of the country.
Content of the Declaration
The special role of universities, as a place for creating and transmitting knowledge about the reality around us, obliges them to take into account and apply the principles of social responsibility in all areas of activity and to disseminate these principles among stakeholders.
Bearing in mind the good of higher education in Poland, aware of our role in implementing the principles of sustainable development, ensuring high quality research and education, and caring for the comprehensive development of the academic community, we pledge: