The leader of the winning consortium is the Medical University of Warsaw, and among its partners are: Maria Skłodowska Curie National Institute of Oncology, the University Clinical Centre of the Medical University of Warsaw, the Institute of Haematology and Transfusion, University Hospital of Lord’s Transfiguration, partner of Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences in Poznań, Antoni Jurasz University Hospital No. 1 in Bydgoszcz, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin and Medical University of Łódź. The consortium is represented by Prof. Sebastian Giebel, MD, PhD. CAR-T cell therapy is a hope for the cancer patients. In 2020 it was applied only in 8 patients in Poland, 7 of them were treated in the centers belonging to the consortium: 4 in the National Research Institute of Oncology Gliwice Branch and 3 in the University Hospital in Poznań. The indications for this treatment are malignant lymphomas and acute leukemia. Therapy is given to the patients who have had a relapse, cannot have a transplant, or previous treatment has proved ineffective. Genetically modified T lymphocytes recognize the characteristics of a cancer cell, that differentiates it from a healthy cell, and are therefore able to destroy it. Until now, due to the high commercial cost, access to this innovative therapy was very difficult. The financial support in the amount of PLN 100 million will allow Polish scientists to create this technology and implement it permanently into the Polish health care system, and thus significantly reduce the costs of the therapy. This will allow several hundred patients to be included in this therapy within a few years.
More information on the webside:,Wyniki-konkursu-na-opracowanie-polskiej-terapii-adoptywnej-CARCAR-T.html