Noble Gifts were packed

As every year, our students from the Student Government, IFMSA-Poland Warsaw Branch and PTSF Warsaw Branch invited all members of the MUW academic community to participate in the Noble Gift. Packing of jointly purchased gifts took place on Friday. Students were assisted by Rector Prof. Rafal Krenke and Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Education Prof. Marek Kuch. The gifts from MUW will go to Ms. Zofia and Ms. Joanna's family.

Everyone from MUW who decided to join the collection deserves a big thank you! The gifts we have prepared will be given to Ms. Zofia and Ms. Joanna with her family this weekend.
The Noble Gift is one of the largest social programs in Poland. It has been in operation since 2001. Volunteers of Noble Gift visit families in need all over Poland, learn about their difficulties and decide about the best form of help. The Donors prepare individual aid based on the Volunteer’s description. This year 17 020 families counted on donors' support.

Take a look at the short footage of the packaging.